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Sunday, October 16, 2016

Gingers With Peppermint Tutorial and Coupon Code

 Hello everyone! I wanted to do a quick picture tutorial on these fun gingerbread men and peppermints I just finished. They are so fun and easy to do. I've got a 12" by 12" gripper frame, so I could do more at one time.
 Here they are out of the frame, now you just want to cut them out, leaving at least a half inch all of the way around.
 I like to use HeatnBond, but you can use any brand you want. This is the way I keep my weavers cloth from unraveling in all of those little corners when I'm stitching wool to the back.
 This is what it looks like. You iron the shiny side down to the back of your gingerbread's. Don't remove the paper on the back, until it cools to room temperature. 
 This is what it will look like.
 Now, just cut it close all of the way around.
Now, I just cut my wool and lay it on the back, on the shinny side. You can iron the the whole piece of wool down, and just cut out all around, but I like to stitch mine instead. I just tack the wool down with my iron in a couple places, to hold in place while I'm stitching it the whole way around.
Here's what they look like finished. You can use them as ornaments by adding a hanger, and even make wool scarfs for them.
 I put floral picks in between my wool and gingerbread man. Then I added mine to a floral arrangement in an antique sifter, with a battery candle.

 Then I added this little guy to a stand alone antique grater with some greenery.
Just use your imagination, they are so fun to make, and would make great gifts. I'm doing a special on them. If your signed up, you will find a coupon code in my Prim In The Country newsletter, use it when checking out. The pattern is $2.00 with the coupon code!!! If you have my newsletter in your email now, you are already signed up. If you would like to sign up for my newsletter to get your coupon code, here's the link:

                      You can find the pattern only in My Etsy Shop here, Happy punching!!!

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