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Thursday, December 22, 2016

Candy Canes With Holly Punch Needle Pattern

 Hello everyone! Well this is the last Christmas pattern for 2016, sometimes I'm happy to see it go, but this year I'm a little sad. I have a few more Christmas ideas being knocked around in this head of mine. I'll have to lock them away for next year.
 This guy is kind of the pair to Toys With Holly, they are the same size, and have a matching name. He came to me kind of unexpected, but was a joy to punch. In other news, I'm excited to be designing and selling the hornbook wood I mount my finished pieces on. I've got tons of plans for them. I loved buying hornbooks, but I always had to make the pattern idea, fit the hornbook when I really wanted it to go the opposite direction. Below, you'll find the links to both of my stores, you can instantly download them. You can also request a mailed pattern, and the hornbook wood is in my Etsy shop too.
 I've been adding sneak peeks to my instagram lately. I've got a new phone and it makes it super easy to snap a photo and post it, so to see those sneak peeks, you can follow me here: I'm working on Valentines, and will start posting sneak peeks of that next week. Tomorrow I'll be baking all day, then I cook the big meal for all of the kids, friends, and family on Christmas Eve, so we can snack all day Christmas day. So, if I don't get the chance to get on in the next couple of days, I want to wish you and your families a Very Merry Christmas!!!!
           ETSY               THE PATTERN CUPBOARD

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